Kanye West Lookalike (US)

Kanye West Lookalike (US)


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About lookalike

Kanye West Lookalike

Grace your event with a visit from the biggest ego in hip-hop theater, our Kayne West lookalike certainly won’t shy away from the cameras. Love him or hate him, it’s hard to deny Mr West’s influence as one of the most prominent voices of his generation. His raps boldly experiment with gritty rhymes and soul-drenched hooks with every one of his critically acclaimed albums having helped widened the genre’s gates.

However, not one to engage his brain before opening his mouth, Kanye is a staple in the tabloids and a magnet for social media backlash. He is now as well known for his outrageous statements as his for outrageous talent. Over the last decade certain highlights have included him proclaiming to be the next Michelangelo and heckling Taylor Swift at an awards ceremony.

And if the paparazzi are already on their way to snap our Kanye West lookalike, why not complete the infamous duo by hiring Kayne’s missus, our Kim Kardashian lookalike too?