Eddie Murphy Lookalike

Eddie Murphy Lookalike


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About lookalike

Eddie Murphy Lookalike

Hire our Eddie Murphy lookalike to leave your guests in stiches. Murphy came from humble beginnings in the housing projects of Brooklyn but found his footing in stand-up comedy working his way up into top New York venues.

Always a wise cracking class clown, at the age of 21 Eddie was catapulted onto the big screen turning him into a cinema staple who has starred in many box-office hits. Now a Hollywood success it was as if Eddie had also been destined for show biz.

Recognized for his over-the-top comedic characters (and a moustache that nobody else could make cool), his latest performances contain scant traces of the old Murphy’s raunchy, profanity ridden routines. But his transition into voice work for movies like Shrek and Moulin have turned him into everybody’s favourite family friendly funny man.

So hire our Eddie Murphy lookalike for some serious chuckles at your next event.